InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana 💖
Do you like graphs? Grafana
! What about storing time series? InfluxDB
! And grabbing information from many sources easily? Telegraf
! Here we go!
Let’s Encrypt all the things
This site is being served as https and yours can be too! Keep reading and find out how to get free valid browser trusted https certificates. Slides of my talk at the SagLacIO inside!
Save saltstack console colored output to file
Not an expert with Salt yet, but wow, saltstack is such a great tool! Like colored output? What about saving colors to your log files? Chrome extension inside (help needed!)
More than a year later, what's up?
Hey there,
This site is still maintained! I was running my personal site on pelican and I just decided to move to jekyll, it’s more popular and easier to maintain.
Python interpreter autocomplete + history with ~/.pythonrc
Using great tools is important, using autocompletion with great tools is even better. Update: use Jupyter, it’s just amazing!
Saltstack presentation at the SagLacIO
I gave a presentation at the SagLacIO about SaltStack with Micael Bergeron. Here are the slides.
Pelican Gruntfile
Now that I use grunt, the JavaScript Task Runner my life has changed! It makes task automation so cool that it is a must-have in every web project (and even sometime in other projects!). There’s also a great alternative called Gulp.js. It is probably better if you are starting, but because I am used to Grunt, I did not move to that fancy new tool yet.
Hello Pelican
Hi there,
Welcome to my blog. This is my first post (in fact, it’s my second). I first attempted to create my blog with wagtail but I had a blocking issue. Edit: problem solved, but I’m happy with pelican! Anyway, I’m glad you’re here, I made a branch and moved my work to Pelican.